Weirdobots: Gotta Combine Them All
In the year 2150, humanity has forged a new home on a distant planet, leaving behind Earth—a world once vibrant, now a desolate wasteland. The remnants of civilization lie buried beneath layers of dust and time, waiting to be rediscovered.Children of the new world, filled with curiosity and adventure, embark on an expedition aboard the Yellow Science Bus. Their mission: to explore the abandoned Earth, scavenge for parts, and build incredible robots known as WEIRDOBOTS to compete in epic battles.As they prepare for their journey, excitement fills the air. Little do they know that their adventure will be filled with challenges, discoveries, and the chance to forge friendships that will last a lifetime.
Drag and drop to move your bots.
WASD to move your vehicle.
TAB to release bots and gather your bots from vehicle.
I wanna build a bot,
With parts from every beast!
From the days of old,
Where our dreams were unleashed!
With turtle shells and eagle wings,
We’ll make them strong and fast!
In the arena, we’ll fight together,
Our memories will last!
WEIRDOBOTS! Gotta combine 'em all!
Let’s answer the call!
Reliving our past and now
(Weirdobots!) Our friendship will last!
Cause our differences are our strength
With every part we gather,
We’ll craft a bot so bright,
We’ll shine with all our might!
WEIRDOBOTS! Gotta combine 'em all!
Let’s answer the call!
Reliving our past and now
(Weirdobots!) Our friendship will last!
Cause our differences are our strength
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5, Windows |
Authors | Brainoid, itsboats, pastelsavage, helabird |
Genre | Strategy |
Made with | Unity |
Tags | Automation, Idle, Parody, Real time strategy, Robots |
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pretty good but what do i do
with my scrap